User Agreement

Spankthis Hookups - User Agreement

In order to have an account on this site you must certify that you are 18 years of age or older (21 in those areas that require it). This site is governed by US laws and regulations.

Photo Policy:
We highly recommend that you upload a photo. Profiles with photos will receive a great deal more replies than those without. When you upload a photo you certify that the photo is of you, that you have a right to post it and that no one in the photo is under the age of 18. We have a zero tolerance for any photo that is underage or appears to be underage. We will cooperate fully with all law enforcement agencies in any such matter. We reserve the right to remove any photo that appears to be underage, shows more persons than just you, infringes on any other member. To report a problem with a photo please send an email to with the member name and issue with the photo.

Spam policy:
This site is intended to facilitate the contact between like minded adults. Anyone that sends unsolicited messages en mass that is considered commercial, spam, fraud or other such non contact related messages may have their account suspended immediately and may be prosecuted as allowed by law.

Email Addresses:
You must have a valid email address on file so we can correspond with you as necessary. This correspondence includes special offers, notification of messages waiting for you, profile update information and any other account related correspondence. We do not make your email address available to any other person on the system. In order to be certain that you can receive email from us we recommend making use of a free service like, or

Profile policy:
We reserve the right to suspend, delete or edit any profile for content. Items that are not allowed in profiles include but are not limited to the following: Solicitation for anyone under 18, the mention of other profiles in any derogatory manner, links or references to websites considered commercial or advertising in nature (mentions of a myspace account or similar 'profile' is acceptable, offers or requests for password trading or any other illegal activity